Parent/Student Links

IXL math practice web-site

 Black Sunday Tornado - Information about Mrs. Ruuds tornado talk.

Can You Stop a Disaster? - Stop the Disaster, if you can!!!!

Constitution Word Hunt - Constitution Word Hunt

DARE web site for kids. -

Fire Prevention I - Information about fire prevention, with some games.

Fire Prevention II - Fire prevention games.

Fire Prevention III - Fire Prevention games.

Fire Prevention IV - More Fire Prevention Things to look at!!!!

Health Maps - Finding my way home.

How does the body work? - This website has good activities on how the body works.

How Roller Coasters Work! -

Info. about the Olympic Medal -

KenKen Puzzle - Fun Math Puzzles!!!

Legionville Information - You can find extra information about Legionville here.

Minnesota Trees. - It's easy to learn to identify many of Minnesota's trees. All you need are some trees to examine and a desire to learn. This guide will introduce you to 35 trees commonly found in Minnesota.

More about the Planets - Learn more about the Planets and Space.

Multiplication Games - Learning Multiplication can be fun!!!

Preamble Scramble - Preamble Scramble

Quiz to try!! - Here's a fun quiz to try!!

Smokey Kids: - Smokey Kids: Smokey's special kids section with lots of games, stories and fun!

Spider Silk - Use this link to find out more about spiders.

The Fifth Grade Math Stuff - This web site contains the math book, games, personal tutor, extra examples, self-check quizes and much more. PLEASE check it out!!!

The Rice Game - English Skills Game

Top 10 Roller Coasters -

Vocabulary work-out - So by playing, you generate the money that pays for the rice donated to hungry people.

Watch the Wolves!!! LIVE!!!!! - You can watch the Wolves live at the International Wolf Center Exhibit Pack in Ely, Minnesota

What's My Number?? - I know your number!!!

What's your age? - Find your age on different planets.

What's your weight? - Find your weight on different planets.

Winter Hazard Awareness Week - Activities to learn about Winter Weather and other Hazards

World Math Day - Are you better than they are? With Math problems.